And so the holiday season comes to an end and the new year is approaching fast. How did you behave this festive season? Did you stick to your diet or healthy eating plan?
Don’t worry, I think only the select few managed to stick to their plans. So here is a few tricks to get you back on track with healthy eating.

#1 Don’t wait for the new year
Here in South Africa we have a saying, directly translated: “From postponing comes cancelling.”
So do not wait for the new year to make some changes to your eating plan and health habits. Do it now! How great will it be to wake up on New years day knowing that you are already crushing some health goals. If you are ready now to start with your goals, start now.
#2 Commit to small changes
It is no secret that we have filled our festive season with tones of junk foods and lazing around all day. So before you start that week long juice fasting or googling all kinds of quick fix diets make one simple change to your daily routine.
It could be a small step like trying to walk more steps daily or having a healthy snack, like fruit instead of the normal bag of chips, even drinking an extra glass of water is a move in the right direction.
If you thinking of changing to a Vegetarian or Vegan diet, rather start small and have a meatless Monday, then slowly moving up to include another meatless day when you are ready. Even the smallest change can make a big difference.
#3 Move as much as possible
There is no secret here… the more you move the better for your health. No one is saying you should go out and run a 5k. But small steps will definably make a big difference, you just need to move. Make simple easy to obtain changes.
- Start walking around the block, walk for at least 10 minute then slowly build up to half an hour, and so on. Why not take a friend along or even your dog. It is easier and more fun having someone joining your health journey.
- Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
- Park your car as far as possible from the entrance, and take a walk.
- Don’t try to go for an hour long gym session. Break your work out down to 15 or 20 minutes at a time. Slowly build up to half an hour then longer when you are ready.
- Try some house chores. You will be surprised how much sweat you can build up by mowing the lawn or scrubbing the floor.
#4 Include loads of colors
Start with a simple change on your plate. Don’t go rushing into cutting and counting calories. But rather focus on adding some healthy stuff to your plate. Try to include loads of different colors vegetable and fruits. Think of Whole foods and less processed foods. Just by eating a wide range of fruits and vegetables, you’ll improve your overall health and lose weight.
Try to include at least one vegetable from each color group for example:
Purple/Blue: Kale, berries, grapes, prunes
Green: Swiss Chard, Broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage etc..
Orange/Yellow: Sweet potato, carrots, yellow and orange peppers, pumpkins, etc.
Red: Tomatoes, beets, Red peppers, radishes, red onions, etc.
White/light green: parsnip, garlic, onions, leeks, celery, asparagus, etc.
#5 Meal prep
This is probably the most important step. The easier you make things for yourself the easier it will be to stick to your plan. Meal prep can help you control what you eat and also keep you from being tempted to “cheat”.
Start by planning out your meals, remember to keep them healthy, colorful, and as whole as possible.
Prepare them as much as possible in advance, so when the hunger kicks in or you arrive home from a long day at work, you have a healthy meal to reach for instead of a quick, most lightly unhealthy snack.
#6 Keep your body Hydrated
Water is very important when you are trying to achieve a healthy weight loss. Water helps improves the digestive system so that fats are eliminated from the body more efficiently. Drinking plenty of water helps to flush out your system.
So make sure you stay hydrated. When you are dehydrated you might mistake your need for a drink for hunger. So next time you feel hungry, first reach for a glass of water. Most often this will satisfy your craving so you won’t reach for the calories that you don’t need.
Make sure to drink at least 8 – 10 glasses of water per day. Your body needs water to function probably.
#7 Get some shut eye
Most people needs 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. Too little sleep triggers a stress hormone, called cortisol. This signals your body to conserve energy to fuel you for your waking hours. In other words, your body is going to hold onto fat for fuel.
Poor sleep also leads to an increased appetite. This is likely due to the effects in hormones that signal hunger and fullness.
#8 And finally, don’t dwell on an overindulge
Yes, we make mistakes or have that weak moment. Do not be hard on yourself. If you overindulged, shake it off and let it be.
Resist the temptation to try to make up for the extra calories by skipping meals the next day. This will only leave you feeling hungry and miserable, and likely to indulge again.
Rather fill your plate with fruit and Vegetables also add a lean protein like fish. Fuel your body correctly.
The bottom line on tricks to get you back on track with healthy eating
Yes, this was a tough year, and I am sure we are all eager to move to a new year. But don’t rush into big changes that will most lightly leave your disappointed. Take it slow with small manageable step, and before you know it you will reach your goals.