What better way to celebrate your little one’s birthday. Add a beautiful Minnie mouse Cake to make the day even more special. Try this easy DIY minnie mouse cake and be the envy of all the baker parents at the party.

What will you need?
3-4 layer of Cake (10 inch round)
Made Buttercream
500g Pink fondant
50g White fondant
250g Black Gum paste
250g Pink Gum paste
Minnie mouse rice paper picture
2 X Skewers
First make the Gumpaste topper
Start well in advance with your Cake topper, a week should be more than enough time to allow drying.
Knead your black gum paste until you can easily shape it. On a silicone matt roll out your gum paste to about 1 cm thickness.
Using your round circle cutter (+/- 10 – 20 cm diameter depending on the size ears that you want for the cake) Cut our 4 circles. Lay 2 of them down on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Now place 2 of your Skewers, one on each circle, and secure them with a little fondant glue, or water. Place the second circle on each ear to cover the screwer. They won’t stick to much to the baking paper, as long as you keep them away from excessive moist. You can wiggle them slightly each day, just to remain loose on the baking paper.
Now make your bows. Knead your pink gum paste until you can easily shape it. On a silicone matt roll out your gum paste to about 1 cm thickness.
Use your bow cutter to cut our the bows. And shape them according to the instructions. Add small little white polka dots to your bow to round it off. Set your bow, laying down on your baking tray to dry.

How to make this Minnie Mouse Cake…
Start by Baking your cakes. I have chosen to make a Vanilla cake for this birthday party and used my vanilla cake recipe http://www.livingdelish.com/vanilla-sponge-cake/
This recipe is real easy to make, and really tastes good. I have doubled this recipe as I needed to make a small little smash cake as well. So I was able to get out a good 3 layers each a 10 inch and a 2 layer smash cake. The smash cake is about 15 cm in diameter.
Once your cake is completely cooled, you can start to ice your cakes. Add icing between each layer of cake and stack them on top of each other. Now you will have to crumb coat your cake and place your cake in the Fridge to set for an hour or so. While you wait for your cake to chill, read this post regarding fondant covering. http://www.livingdelish.com/covering-with-fondant-like-a-pro/
While your cake is cooling off, start making your Buttercream icing. I use the buttercream recipe found here http://www.livingdelish.com/5-great-icing-types-to-try-today/
Time to cover your Minnie mouse cake in fondant…
Once your cake is chilled you can start kneading your fondant. When your fondant is soft and pliable you can roll out your fondant to about 1 cm thickness. Carefully lift your fondant. I roll my fondant out on a silicone matt and when I am ready to cover my cake I lift the whole matt, I carefully lay down the fondant over the cake. Using the matt this makes it easier to pick the fondant up.

Using your fondant smoothing tool, smooth out the fondant, trim all the access fondant off at the base of your cake. Make sure there are no bubbles that may have formed underneath the fondant. Once you have the cake completely covered in fondant you can now start adding the detail. Add white fondant circles as polka dots. Add finishing to the bottom of your cake to round off your cake, and then attache your rice paper picture, using very little white buttercream icing. Lastly you can place the two ears next to each other on top of the cake. Once they are secured you can add the Bow just in front of them.

This cake is easy to make, but really looks like it took hours and hours to create. Add a little something extra to the party with these cute minnie mouse Cupcakes. http://www.livingdelish.com/minnie-mouse-cupcakes/
Your little one and guests will think you are the best baker ever!