The keto craze is still continuing. People who follows this diet are seeing awesome results and rediscovering a new zest for life. This popular Keto diet is nothing new, but if you are new to this diet – you might feel a little lost to when it comes to get started.
Although these days many restaurants and grocery stores have all kinds of Keto-approved snacks and meals making it so easy to find something you like.
The trick however is to always have keto-approved snacks on hand. This will ensure that you do not snack on the wrong things and ruin all your hard work just with one snack.
Here are some great tips if you are serious and want to give Keto a try. Read on to discover some great Keto pantry staples.
Keto-approved pantry staples and snacks
No. 1 – Coconut milk

Coconut milk has everything when it comes to supporting your overall health. On the Keto diet it is important to avoid dairy. That is were coconut milk comes in. It makes a delicious creamy dairy-free option when avoiding dairy. Coconut milk also works great in smoothies, coffee and even Keto sweet bakes.
Coconut milk can be used in a variety of different recipes. Just make sure to rather buy the tin version in stead of the carton. Tin coconut milk contains no added processed sugar or preservatives unlike coconut milk out of a carton. So go on and stock up on a couple of tins for your pantry.

No.2 – Nuts and seeds
Having nuts and seeds in your pantry will save you allot of hassle. These little power houses are packed with all the right nutrients. Plus they are just super convenient. It is quick and easy just to grab a handful of Almonds or walnuts as a on the go snack. Nuts and seeds are also easy to work into most recipes.
Here are a few Keto-friendly nuts and seeds.
- Almonds
- Walnuts
- Cashew nuts
- Chai seeds
- Hemp seeds
- Flax seeds
No. 3 – Low Carb Flour

Yes, you have given up sweet treats, so you probably will not have a great need for flour. But having some Keto-friendly flour in the pantry will help you out when the urge for a muffin is just to powerful 😉 Just grab your almond or coconut flour and whip up a batch of keto friendly muffins. And the best part…. you can enjoy them with out the guilt.
By the way, Almond flour also works well when you want to make breaded recipes like chicken strips or even onion rings.
Stock up with at least one bag of Coconut flour and one bag of almond flour.

No. 4 – Keto-Approved Sweeteners
Cutting our sugary treats and sugar is one of the major changes when following the Keto diet. This making it challenging to find the right keto approved snack. Having these low-carb sweeteners in your pantry can be a life saver. Simply by just adding a little sweetness to your morning coffee or baking that low carb treat. Here are some low carb sweetener options:
Stevia (Liquid or powder)
Monk fruit sweetener
No. 5 – Keto Grab-on-the-go Snack
Sometimes all you need is a quick on-the-go-snack. But following a keto diet might make this simple task a little bit more complicated. Let’s face it, we all run short of some time every now and again. So why not make your life a little easier by having some keto-approved snacks in your pantry or fridge.
Here are some great ideas:
Unsweetened Coconut Chips
String Cheese
Cold Meats
Carrot Sticks
+/- 80% dark chocolate
Pork rinds
Kale Chips
No. 6 – Make ahead Keto Snack
There is definitely an endless choice when you make your own snacks. The bonus here is that you know exactly what is in your snack plus you do not have to feel guilty. Use these snacks for in between meals when hunger really sets in.
Cheese roll-ups: Simply roll a cheese stick in a slice of cold meat and enjoy.
Boiled Eggs: Store boiled eggs in the fridge for a quick snack. Also play around with some fillings to keep things interesting.
Bacon Wrapped Halloumi cheese: These make a great salty treat. Add them to some salad greens as a salad topping…. Delicious!
Need more Keto help?
Check out these post for some great meal plan and diet guidelines.