All Sugar free!!

Cutting sugar is one thing, but you know what I miss the most?
Sauces…. Mayonnaise, Tomato, BBQ. I have the answer – good homemade sauces… Mmmm
If you have been without sugar or even just starting your lifestyle without sugar, you will notice that all these sauces (Or at least 90%) of them contains added sugar. And plenty of it. For some tips on how to check the sugar contents of a product, check out my previous post about sugar.
For instance have a look at your average barbecue sauce. The total amount of sugar averages at 5.4g per serving. This is a whopping +/- 4 teaspoons of sugar per serving. Can you now see how easy it is to reach your allowed limit of 5 – 9 teaspoons of sugar a day?
However the issue remains. To cut sugar, you will have to part with your s0-much-loved-store bought sauces. So what do you do when you really would like some sauce?
You make your own… 😉 So, with 3 basic homemade sauces you are set. Mix these up with other ingredients to create new sauces. And the best thing, they will all be sugar free!!So if you are following a Whole30, Keto, Sugar-free, or just trying the be healthier lifestyle these sauces are a great addition to your healthy lifestyle.
Here are 3 great Homemade sauces to try. They are all easy to make and simply delicious. Enjoy!
Homemade Mayonnaise
1 egg
1½ teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
250 ml extra-virgin olive oil
pinch of salt
Mix all your ingredients except the olive oil for about 30 seconds using an electric mixer or food processor. Switch your mixer’s speed to slow.
Now, slowly start adding the olive oil.
Make sure to add this at a very slow drizzle. Take your time doing this, making sure that your oil mixes in slowly. (If you do this to fast your egg mixture will not bind with your oil) Mix until thick and smooth.
This makes about 300ml. Make sure to store it in the fridge and use up with in a week or two.

Photo by Andrea Riezzo on Unsplash
Homemade Tomato Sauce
2 cans tomatoes
1/2 chopped onion
2 teaspoons of xylitol
80 ml Apple cider Vinegar
1 teaspoon Cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon ground cloves
1½ teaspoon ground Cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground allspice
1 teaspoon of salt (more if needed)
Ground black pepper to taste.
In a large pot, mix all the ingredients and bring to boil stirring continuously to ensure that all the spices are mixed in. Reduce the heat and allow your mixture to simmer for about an hour or until the sauce has reduced by almost half and has thicken up.
Using a stick blender or a food processor, blend the mixture until smooth.
The mixture should be thickish. If it is to runny you will have to return it to the stovetop, and simmer a little longer until the desired consistency has been reached.
This makes about 400ml. Store in a glass container in your fridge and use up within 1 month.

Photo by Calum Lewis on Unsplash
Homemade Barbecue Sauce
250 ml Homemade tomato sauce (See previous recipe)
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
a clove of finely chopped garlic
1 ½ tabasco sauce
1 tablespoon paprika
2 tablespoons chilli powder
This one is truly easy. 😁
Mix all your ingredients together.
Finally, store in a glass container and keep in your fridge, Use up with in a month.
So in no time you will have these easy to make homemade sauces ready to enjoy. Using the mayonnaise recipe for example, as a base, you can create many different sauces like Tartar sauce or Ranch dressing. Check out this link for some ideas on how to mix your mayonnaise to create new sauces.
These homemade sauces are simple, delicious and sugar free!!