Ginger remedies
Health & Fitness Lifestyle

Ginger Remedies

Ginger is a natural root, not only is it used for cooking and banking but also for healing. Ginger remedies have been around for thousands of years. Ancient remedies from Asia used ginger to treat an upset stomach, nausea and diarrhea. Other uses for ginger as a traditional medicine includes treating of muscle and joint pain, cold and flu and sore throat.

But always remember, ginger should be used in addition to a healthy diet, good exercise and regular visits to your healthcare practitioner.

Why is ginger good?

Ginger is loaded with Antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. Antioxidants help your body to fight off infections and illnesses. It also helps improve chronic diseases like high blood pressure and heart & lung disease. All with the added bonus of keeping you looking young!

Ways to incorporate ginger

There are so many ways to enjoy ginger in your daily life. It is always best to use fresh ginger where possible. When buying fresh ginger root look for a root that is firm and smooth, free from mold.
Before using ginger, peel away the brown layer. The best way to do this, is to use the edge of a spoon and scrape the brown layer off. Once the ginger root is clean, chop, slice or dice the ginger as desired.

Ways to use:
Marinades for meat and fish
Smoothies or juice shots
Curry dishes
Salad Dressings
Asian-inspired Stir Fry
Baked Desserts and treats

Ginger remedies & uses

Digestion – Sooths an upset stomach & Nausea

The chemical compounds in ginger are believed to ease stomach pain and aid digestion. Ginger may also help relieve nausea and vomiting which can help during pregnancy and can help people to cope with these symptoms while going thru chemotherapy.

Help sooth sore throats

Drinking some freshly brewed ginger tea could be the answer to your next cold or flu attack.
Ginger help sore throats in several ways. It assist in pain relieve and acts as an anti-inflammatory. Ginger tea with an added spoon of honey is a magic remedy for sore throats.

Reduces inflammation

Inflammation can cause havoc in your body. Ask anyone with Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. (Both these conditions cause painful joint damage). Ginger is often given to these individuals since it is packed with anti-inflammation properties that helps reduce and eases joint pain.

Lowers Blood sugar

By adding some fresh ginger to your diet, you can improve your blood sugar levels. It can also lower your risk of developing type-2 diabetes.

Pain relieve

Ginger can help to relieve pain. It helps with arthritis, headaches, menstrual cramps and muscles soreness.
You can also benefit by applying a ginger compression to the affected area. Simply grate the root, wrap in a cheesecloth, place it in hot water for 30 seconds. Let this cool slightly and apply to the affected area.

Assist weight loss

Ginger has the ability to suppress appetite. Which will keep the hunger at bay for longer. It also speeds up your digestion while stabilizing your blood sugar levels. These are all very essential components to help you loose weight.

Handy recipes for ginger remedies

Ginger shot

Peel a +/- 6 cm piece of ginger root and 1 lemon. Using a juice extractor, Juice together the ginger, lemon and 1 apple.
Take as a shot.

Ginger tea

Peel a ginger root the size of your thumb. Now chop it in slices.
Place the chopped pieces in a small pot with boiling water. (Around 200ml of water)
Let this simmer for 5 – 10 minutes, and strain the gingerroot before drinking the tea.

Naughty treat – Ginger cookies

Ginger remedies- a naughty treat.

Well…. This is probably not the healthies way to enjoy ginger, but there is nothing wrong with enjoying some great ginger cookies every now and again.
This is an awesome recipe, it uses ground ginger and the cookie is soft yet chewy.

Just click on the picture to go to the recipe.
