Birthdays can be tough. Well that’s for the one left with all the planning. Don’t get me wrong. It’s loads of fun to create all kinds of treats, party packs, snacks and cakes – Once you know what you are making. So I decided to add a few cakes that I have made before as birthday cake inspiration.
If you are baking the cake yourself, why not try this easy to make no fail vanilla cake.
I find that using a vanilla cake for birthdays cakes seems to do the trick. The flavour is soft and the little ones always finds this cake best. You can always flavour your icing in interesting flavours like bubblegum instead.
Birthday cake inspiration – Toddlers
These are the fun cakes. Colorful characters that draws the little ones attention. Try to think of any character from kids television shows. These will always be a great hit with the little ones.

Birthday cake inspiration – for Boys
Boys are different creatures. From creepy crawly, sports and racing cars cakes to superheroes and lego. You name it and there is sure a boy out there that just loves these things.

Birthday cake inspiration – for Girls
When it comes to birthday cake inspiration for girls it seems to be easy. Well for me at least, I think the general rule for the recipe to success is any princess-y, pink or fluffy looking cake.

Birthday cakes – Older Kids
Older kids seems to be a bit more trickier. They have their own likes and dislikes and often they prefer something unusual. My daughter is now 15 and she does not prefer any character cakes any more. But, give her a simple Kit-Kat cake or for that matter any chocolate cake and she will be in love with it. If you would like to see a couple of chocolate dreamy cakes, check out this:

Birthday cakes – for Adults
I feel no matter how old you are, you still deserve a special birthday cake. The milestone year cakes are the easy ones, often a simple number cake will look awesome.