The Keto diet is nothing new. It has been around for almost 100 years, and with every year the popularity of this diet just grows. It was first used in medicine to help treat epilepsy in children and later for weight loss.
This diet has stood the test of time and no wonder. With so many benefits of the keto diet, like improve your cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar just to name a few benefits will make anyone curious.
If you would like to boost your health, this diet might be worth considering.
Check out this post to help you get started Keto meal plan for beginners
Here you will find an easy to follow action plan with plenty of guidelines to start with, A few do and don’t as well as an easy to follow 2 week meal plan. This basic meal plan will give you a great stepping stone to get you started and settled in your Keto journey.
Here are just some of the great health benefits that a Keto diet has to offer.

Benefits of the Keto Diet
Supports healthy weight loss
Low carb diets tends to reduce your appetite. By eating more Proteins and healthy fats and less carbs you end up eating way less calories. This making cutting carbs the simplest and easiest ways to loss weight.
Help reduce Blood sugar and Insulin
A Keto diet or low carb diet is very beneficial for those with diabetes and insulin resistance. There are plenty of studies proving that cutting carbs lowers both blood sugar as well as Insulin levels and in some cases even reverse type 2 diabetes. But like always, please first check with your doctor or dietitian especially for those who are trying to manage any health issues before you decide to follow a low carb diet.
Help to reduce Blood pressure
Low carb diets are a effective way to lower blood pressure. High blood pressure increases the risk of serious conditions such as heart attacks and strokes. But luckily a simple lifestyle change could drastically improve your blood pressure, making the risks much lower.
Improves energy levels
The fist couple of days might be tough, but by the time you enter the second week, you will start to notice a change in your energy levels as your body starts to fuel itself with out any pesky slumps. The science behind this is basically due to a stabilization of insulin levels that increase ones general energy levels.
Lowers Inflammation
Inflammation is naturally a good thing. It is your body’s natural response to invaders. But to much inflammation is where the trouble starts. Cronic inflammation over a couple of years can lead to more cerious conditions like certain cancers, heart disease and diabetes.
By eating whole unprocessed foods, grass-fed proteins and fresh organic vegetables you help your body to keep inflammation at bay.
Fuel for you Brain
Ketones provide immediate fuel to your brain not to mention all those good fats that you are eating, helps to feed your brain. Since your brain is made up with 60 % fat, it will need loads of good healthy fat to keep it running and the keto diet provides plenty of that.
Always remember that it is very important to first discuss any intended diet with your doctor or dietitian especially for people who are trying to manage any health issues.