When one thinks of baking soda, you get stuck on the word baking…. Yes, baking soda is widely used in the kitchen for baking. But it’s not limited to just baking. Just for the record, Baking soda and Bicarbonate of soda are exactly the same thing just different names and they are 100 % interchangeable in recipes.
What is baking soda?
Baking soda is a leavening agent. (A leavening agent is a substance that causes expansion of dough/batters by releasing gases.) In order for the banking soda to release gasses it needs to mix with a liquid and an acidic ingredient, Such as lemon juice, buttermilk, etc. This causes the chemical reaction to take place and your dough/batter to rise.
So apart from using baking soda in baking, you will find that there are some pretty amazing uses for baking soda elsewhere in and around the house.
But why do we use baking soda to clean with? I’m all for natural cleaning. And as we all know chemicals in today’s household products can be very harmful to our health. Baking soda is pure natural and non toxic unlike our household products on the shelves. Baking soda is a natural mild alkali that caused dirt and crease to dissolve.

1. slow draining or stinky drains:
When you start noticing your drain blocking up or a stinky smell coming from your drain, sprinkle about ½ cup of baking soda into you drain. Pour a cup of vinegar (white vinegar works the best) into the drain. This causes an reaction and the solutions starts to bubble. It loosens any grease and grime. Let this sit for about 5 minutes. Now pour hot water down the drain to flush it out.
2. All purpose cleaner:
This solutions works well for cleaning table counters, appliances and the inside of your fridge since it is a non toxic solution. Mix 4 tablespoons of baking soda with 1 Litre of hot water. Stirr this solution until the baking soda has dissolved. Add this mixture to a spray bottle. Simply aim and spay away…. Wipe down with a kitchen sponge or cloth.
3. Smelly fridge cleaner:
After using your all purpose cleaner, as mentioned above to clean out your fridge, place a small bowl filled with baking soda in your fridge. This will absorb any smelly smells.
4. Smelly dog bed problems:
We love our dogs dearly, but their beds can develop smells so quickly. Even if you wash them regularly. A quick fix to this problem is to sprinkle the bedding with baking soda. Let this sit for about 15 minutes (Or longer if you feel the need) when the time is up, simply vacuum it up, and voilà …. Fresh bedding!!
5. Sneaky stinky sneakers
Aaaaa…. the stinky sneaker problem. What to do, what to do….
Instead of spending a pretty penny on special shoe cleaners or powders simply just sprinkle the inside on your sneakers with baking soda after wearing them.
Just tap the excess out before wearing your sneakers again. All the odors will be absorbed by the baking soda.
6. Musty sheet smell
Have a problem with musty smelling sheets or towels?
Simply open a box of baking soda and place it in the cupboard with your towels and sheets. All the smells will be absorbed by the baking soda leaving your linen smelling fresh, like they should.
7. Dull clothes
Brighten up dull clothes by add 1 cup of baking soda with your regular detergent on a normal washing cycle.
Your clothes will come out brighter and fresher after the wash.
8. Pot stains
Remove stains from pots and pans by sprinkling baking soda over them and adding boiling water to them. Let it sit for 15 minutes , then wash them in hot soapy water.
9. Stubborn burned-on pans
When your pans and pots burns on so bad and you almost feel like throwing them away, try this…
Add about 20 millilitres of bleach and a little water in your pot or pan. Just enough to cover the bottom of the pot or pan and bring it to boil. Reduce the heat and let it simmer for 5 minutes. (If your pot or pan burned on very bad, repeat this step with a fresh mixture) Let the water cool off in the pot or pan and drain. Add +/- 1 tablespoon of baking soda and lightly scrub with a kitchen sponge. And clean…. with no serious scrub needed. (Score!!)
10. Freshen up carpets
For a quick fix to freshen up carpets. Sprinkle some baking soda over your carpet. Let it sit for 20 minutes to 30 minutes and vacuum up.
11. Bring back the bling
Has your ring lost a bit of it’s sparkle?
Soak your ring in hot water mixed with 2 teaspoons of baking soda. 10 minutes will do. No gently scrub your ring with a toothbrush. Rinse and dry. Welcome back sparkle….
12. Super clean the kitchen sink:
This works very well on a stainless steel sinks. But I am sure it would work just as well on other types of sinks. Sprinkle some baking soda over your kitchen sink, use half a cut lemon and gently scrub all over the sink, adding some baking soda if needed.
Rinse with clean water. You will be amazed with the results!!
13. Make your flowers last longer
Let your beautiful cut flowers last longer, by adding 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda to your vase of water.
14. Squeaky clean toilet
Add 1 cup of bicarbonate of soda to your toilet bowl and let it sit for 1 hour. Gently pour some white vinegar into the bowl, and lightly scrub with your toilet brush. Nice and clean without any foul smelling odors.
15. Skin Exfoliate
For a natural exfoliate that’s gentle on your skin. Mix 3 parts baking soda with one part water. This will make a paste. Use this and gently scrub. This will remove any old dead skin leaving your skin soft and renewed. Watch out when using this mixture on sensitive skin.
16. Refresh your mattress
Who doesn’t love a clean fresh bed with fresh linen?
But what about your mattress? When last did you clean your mattress?
For a quick fix, sprinkle baking soda over your exposed mattress and leave it for 30 minutes. Vacuum up.
17. Washing machine cleaner
Give your washing machine a helping hand, by keeping it clear from build ups and any mildew smells. Set your washing machine to the longest, hottest cycle it has and add 1 cup of Baking soda and 1 cup of vinegar to the cycle.
18. Upholstery refresher
Keep your upholstery free from any smells by sprinkling some baking soda over them. Let it sit for about 30 minutes and vacuum up.
19. Dishwasher assistant
Lend a helping hand to your dishwasher when it comes to very greasy dishes. Add ½ a cup of baking soda to your regular wash cycle. This will help cut through the grease easier.
20. Smelly trashcan
Get rid of a smelly trash can by sprinkling some baking soda on the bottom of your trash can. This will help to neutralize the smells.