Have you ever been put on the spot with your kids at 8 O’clock at night…. “Mom, I need to have something for the bake sale tomorrow.” Or is that just my kids? 🤔 They just know how to put you in a sticky situation…. Or you realize that you have a birthday party coming up? Do you know what to make? What can you make that are fun treats for the kids?
My inspiration for this e-book was quite simple. I wanted a go to book that will have all the sweet treats needed to create a successful bake sale or for that matter birthday party treats. No more searching or wondering…
Don’t get me wrong paging thru books on books and scrolling thru the internet for some kind of inspiration or ideas are fun. But when you realize you have to produce some kind of miracle eats within a short time, now that’s where the sweat starts to run off your forehead.

Let your skill shine
When it come to school bake sales and birthday parties, everyone always tries to impress. I mean this is where your skill as a baker (or wanna-be) needs to shine. At the end of the day you would like your little one to have fun and sell as much as possible at that bake sale.
Or, there is no better feeling than your little one’s friends telling you how nice your treats are. (Parents included) 😉
So I have put together 12 tried and trusted treat recipes all in one printable book. And guess what? None of them are cupcakes!! Don’t get me wrong I love a good cupcake. In actual fact, check out my post on delicious Oreo cupcakes https://www.livingdelish.com/oreo-cupcakes/
It just seems to me that everyone always make cupcakes. I remember growing up my mom would always make all kind of different fun treats, just like these and more. They will always remain a winner in my eyes!!

Free 12 fun treats for the kids recipe book
Besides the free recipe book there is another bonus… These fun treats for kids are super easy to make, bake and create in a matter of minutes.
Simply click on the below link and download your free copy of this 12 fun treats for kids book. Print it, keep it, make it but most important of all, enjoy it!
Please let me know if you have made any of these treats, and what you think of them.